Thursday, May 30, 2013

The straws upon the gravel and the house upon the sand

Theme: Teaching the bible story of the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand.

1.        glue 
2.        straws 
3.        sand 
4.        rocks 
5.        water 
6.        2 containers with tall sides (I used two 9x13 baking pans)
7.        2 large towels 
8.        kids aprons 

Ahead of time:
Collect about 8 cups of gravel and 8 cups of sand into two separate containers.  Pour several cups of water in a third container.   Find plenty of straws, one box of 100 straws from a dollar store will work just fine. 
Before the children arrive, lay the towels out on the table.  Empty the rocks and sand into the two separate containers.   

Lesson Plan
Divide the kids into two groups.  Assign one group to the pan with the rocks and one group to the pan with the sand.  Give the kids aprons.  
Ask each of the groups to build a house on the surface with the straws and, if needed, the glue.  When the kids are finished ask them to step away.  Pour water all over the foundation of the houses. The house on the sand should fall while the house on the rocks stays firm.  If it does not fall, you might need to implement and earthquake.   Show them that the sand didn't hold up well. The rocks did.   

Ask the following questions: 1. Why is it important to put God's Word into practice? 2. How can God's Word make us stronger? 3. What kind of storms in our lives can God help us withstand? 4. Can anyone give any examples on how some people may be building their lives on a foundation of sand? 5. What are some ways we can build our lives on the rock?    

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cake and cat food

Just a bit of sin can ruin it all

A cake mix, several things to put in like sprinkles, colored water, milk, etc.  , cat or dog food, a big bowl, a towel, a big mixing spoon.

Ahead of time
Get all of the supplies pre-scooped and ready to pour together.  Put in separate containers.
Place the towel on the table and put the bowl and spoon over top.  Make a "recipe".  Hide the cat food close by

Lesson plan
Let the kids have fun mixing in all the yummy things to make a cake, try to build excitement for the finished cake.     Once everything is in pull out the cat food.  The kids will shriek!
Tell them you are going to add just a little bit.
Add a little cat food and mix it up so that it ruins the cake.

Explain to the kids how just a little bit of sin can ruin your relationship with God.  However we can be buried deep in sin and God will get us out.  All we have to do is ask.

Real life (or kind of) Board game

This lesson will give children of all ages a chance at participating.  Be sure not to make the board game to long.  It can take a while.

If you have more than 5 kids you should pair them up or set them in teams so that the board doesn't get to cluttered.

Everything , Just an overview of the Bible. 

A big roll of blank paper or several pieces taped together, Marker, a list of bible trivia that goes good with the kids ages and a 1,2, or 3 marked on each one.  (note:  an option of answers helps) 

Ahead of time
Print out your questions and prepare the board if possible.  

Lesson Plan.  
Roll out the paper around the classroom .  Use a marker to draw a line every foot or so.  Each cube made is one move.  Make twist and turns to make it a bit "cooler".  On every 3 or 4 blocks make some extra things like "go back 3" or "take another turn" to make it harder.   

When the kids come explain the rules.  Be sure to tell them this is not a win or die game. 
  1. Stand at the start location.  the teacher will draw a card.   
  1. The teacher will ask a question and give 3 options.  answer one.   
  1. If You have the question right, the teacher will tell you a number.  Move that many spaces. 
  1. If you do not have the question correct, stay in your location until all the other student have taken their turns.  Return the card to the bottom of the pile.     

If you have a large attendance it is quite likely that you may not finish the lesson In time.  Be sure to remind the kids of this before you start.   

Questions for my class: 

What is the first book of the bible? 
  1. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 
  2. Genesis 
  3. John 
Move 1 

Who came from heaven to save us from our sin? 
  1. Jesus 
  2. Moses 
  3. Barack Obama 
Move 2 

What was the place called that God gave adam and eve to live in? 
  1. the taj mahal 
  2. Bethlehem 
  3. The garden of eden 
Move 3 

Why did Jesus have to come down to earth? 
  1. because he thought it might be cool 
  2. to save people from sin 
  3. he didn't 
Move 1 

Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? 
  1. Moses 
  2. Jesus 
  3. George Washington 
move 2 

Who was David in the bible? 
  1. A really bad guy 
  2. king of Israel 
  3. Umm, he wasn't in the bible 
move 3 

What did the wise man build his house on? 
  1. the rock 
  2. the sand 
  3. a tree 
move 1 

Who was the dude that built the ark? 
  1. Jesus 
  2. Martin Luther King junior 
  3. Noah 
Move 2 

What was the name of the boy who killed the giant named goliath? 
  1. David 
  2. Caleb Grubbs 
  3. goliath 
Move 3 

Who was the Strongest man ever? 
  1. Cain 
  2. Able 
  3. Samson 
Move 1 

Where was Jesus born 
  1. in the white house 
  1. Bethlehem 
  1. Jerusalem 
move 2 

Who was the first murderer in the bible? 
  1. cain 
  1. Jesus 
  1. Pastor Archibald 
Move 3 

On what day did God rest? 
  1. day 1 
  1. Day 2 
  1. Day 7 
Move 1 

Who was Jesus's mother? 
  1. Mary 
  1. He didn't have one 
  1. eve 
Move 2 

Who was Adam's wife? 
  1. eve 
  1. Mary 
  1. Jail 
Move 3 

What was the name of the baby that was found in a basket on the Nile river? 
  1. Jesus 
  1. Moses 
  1. Jon 
Move 1 

What animal swallowed Jonah and kept him in it's belly for 3 days? 
  1. A gigantic Bear 
  1. no animal swallowed anybody 
  1. A big fish or whale 
Move 2 

What was Noah's boat called 
  1. the ark 
  1. the ss minnow 
  1. the old rickety thing 
move 3 

How many commandments did God give Moses? 
  1. 10 
  1. none 
  1. a quadrillion 
Move 1 

Which one is NOT one of the 10 commandments? 
  1. Obey your mom and dad 
  1. feed your cat everyday 
  1. Do not lie 
Move 2 

What did Joseph's dad give him? 
  1. a coat of many colors 
  1. a boat 
  1. a big fish tank 
Move 3 

Who is the son of God? 
  1. Super Why 
  1. Jesus 
  1. Moses 
Move 1 

What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people? 
  1. bread and fish 
  1. duh, nothing! 
  1. spaghetti 
Move 2 

Who did Jesus meet at the well 
  1. a woman 
  1. a cat 
  1. a talking donkey 
Move 3 

How long was jonah inside of the whale? 
  1. a year 
  1. he never got out 
  1. 3 days 
move 1