To say that this lesson was one of the easier ones I’ve
done, would only be half true. The lesson, great! Getting it ready, not so great.
I stayed up late watching funny videos of people playing
with plungers in Walmart Saturday night (which I don’t recommend for
awesome Sunday school teachers) and decided to get up early Sunday to get my
lesson ready. Big mistake. I set my alarm wrong and got up at 8:00, which
is really bad for me…
Anyways, I had an hour and a half to get ready, make a Sunday school
lesson from scratch, and remain awesome. Thankfully, my Pinterest browsing
skills came in handy. I knew I wanted to do a lesson on Zaccheus, but I couldn’t
find a way to attach that to a fun craft…that is until I found some cute s’mores
printable on Pinterest. I googled
different words and found these on God’s love. click here and scroll to pg 6
I printed them out in black and white so the kids could color
on them and left the back of it blank so they could make a picture of Jesus
showing love to Zaccheus.
Once I had the craft figured out, I found this cute video on
YouTube to show the kids. They loved
When I got to church more things went wrong, but I won’t go
over that now J .
One I read the short story, I let the kids watch the movie.
They gathered around on the floor and we turned off the lights. The mini movie
gave me just enough time to go place baggies of s’mores on each seat and put
crayons and markers net to them. When the
light got turned back on the kids had the net thing ready to go!!! The kids loved the s’mores baggies and the
movie and had a great time. I think that even some of the adults were jealous! I snapped this pic of a few of the baggies before they left, wish I ould have captured the pictures on the back! They were so cute!!!