Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jesus feeds 5000 interactive story

Jesus feeds 5000 from John chapter 6 1-14 

Ahead of time 
Get a script to read for the story of Jesus feeding 5000.   

Lesson Plan 
When the children arrive tell them that you are going to read a story.  when you get to each word they should add something to it.    For my class I used this plan.   
In the story, each time I (the teacher) say the word "fish" you say "yummy".  Each time I say the word "bread" you say "yummy so fresh" each time I say the word "hungry", you say "I'm starving!" 

The story 
Jesus had healed a lame man and just finished teaching the people when he decided to take a boat, with his disciples, across the sea.  When Jesus got to the other side he saw a huge crowd of people wanting to hear him speak.   Many had brought lame and blind people for Jesus to heal.  They had heard that Jesus could heal anyone any they wanted to see it happen.  Some people came because they wanted to come and hear Jesus teach.  He was a great story teller and everyone (or almost everyone) loved to hear him.   
Jesus saw that it was getting late in the day and none of the people had had anything to eat because they had followed him and left all the food behind in the rush to see the great teacher.  Everyone was very hungry.  -----   
Jesus looked at the massive crowd of over 5000 people!  "Where will we buy bread--- so that they can eat?" Jesus asked Philip, one of his disciples.  Jesus already knew what Philip was going to say though.   
"These people are hungry---- it will take more than 200 pennyworth, (or about $15,000) to feed everyone just bread-----!" 

The other disciples thought they should look around for some possible food source to feed everyone.  Maybe they could find a huge blueberry patch or possibly a gigantic apple farm.  But even if they did, they wouldn't have the money to pay the owner for it all.   

Then one of the disciples named Andrew found a little boy with 5 loaves of bread----and 2 fishes-----.    Jesus said "make everyone sit down."   There was a lot of grass in the place that all the people were standing, so they all sat down in the nice green grass.   

Jesus took the bread---- said grace, and gave it to his disciples.    He did the same with the fish---.  Then something amazing happened, the bread --- never ran out, more just kept coming!  The disciples kept handing out more and more bread---and fish--- until it was all gone.  They had fed over 5000 people and they still had plenty left over!   

When everyone was full, Jesus told the disciples to gather up the leftovers.  Can you guess how much was left?  ---- 12 basketfuls!   
This was truly a miracle.  

Jesus gave these people a bread that would soon leave there tummies and make them hungry again.  Did you know that Jesus is the bread of life!  It's a different kind of bread.  If we have this bread we will never be hungry again.   

 Q and A time 

Q. The boy could have kept his fish.  Do you think the people were glad he shared?
A. Yep! 

Q. When was another time in the bible that God fed thousands?  
A. When God gave manna in the wilderness  

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