Saturday, June 22, 2013

The story of Jonah and a lesson on obedience

Lesson theme:  obedience 
Story of Jonah, several coins, candy 

Ahead of time:  tape pieces of candy or prizes under the seats of the kids.  Collect several coins 

When they arrive  
Read the story of Jonah and ask questions.  Divide the kids in groups.  Give the team that can get the most answers wrong 10 cense. Give 25 cense to the team that gets the most right.   

Ask them to do a bunch of really dumb looking things. 
Shake the persons to the left hand 
Jump in a circle three times 
Sit down Walk around the table once, and sit down again 
Go stand up, move over one seat, and sit down in the seat next to you 
Hold one hand up in the air and say yoga 
Sit stand up and say boogie 
Stand on one leg and say goo 
Sit down again and say gash 
Look under your chair.   

Wait for the kids to find the prizes under the chairs.  Say this;  
That was some pretty crazy things I asked you to do right?  If you would have said oh this is just dumb, I’m going to leave class and never come back because all she does is a bunch of boring games, and then you wouldn’t have got that nice little prize.   
Some people in the bible were told by Jesus to do very odd things but they did them anyways.   
Tell the story of Jonah while the kid color a picture.  Give a second prize to the best picture.  This helps make the kids color for a longer amount of time. 
 The story of Jonah 

Long, long ago there was a man named Jonah.  He lived a good life and always obeyed god’s laws.  He thought of himself as a true man of God.  He was a hard worker.  Through his labrs he had been able to purchase a few chickens, a donkey, and a goat.   
One day God spoke to Jonah. “Jonah, Jonah”  “what? Oh who was that?”  “Jonah, I am the lord God:  there is a city called nenevah far away.  It is filled with people who tell wicked lies.  They have forgotten about kindness and helping others.”  “ why are you telling me about them god?” Jonah asked.  “Because I want you to go there and tell those wicked people I am going to destroy them and their city because of their wicked ways.” God responded.  Um uh, yes Lord.  I’ll go but they wouldn’t listen, they are evil!” 
The more Jonah thought about it the more uneasy he became.  That night Jonah couldn’t sleep well.  He thought, “No! They’ll hurt me! Nineveh is so far, they’ll laugh at me! No!”    Jonah was denying God’s plan for him and disobeying him.  “Those people don’t even care about God.  Why would they believe me?  They might event try to (gulp) kill me!  AHHH” 
The more Jonah thought about those people the more frighten he became. He decide to run away from God.  That very night he packed his clothes and headed to the sea port.   
The next morning he found a ship headed FAR, FAR away.  “Who goes there?” the captain said.  “Um Jonah sir. Uh please captain let me go with you!  I’ll give you all my money for a place on your ship!”  “Looks like trouble to me.  I wonder what he is running away from” whispered the captain, “well, I guess we can gin a place for him.” 
Jonah boarded the ship and hid deep in the hold as far away from god as he could.  At last he saw the anchor being pulled up and the ship headed out to sea.  “At last, we’re heading out to open sea.  I have disobeyed God but he will never find me now.  Ash... now, I’ll have a new life for myself” he said. 
As soon as the ship was far away from land, God sent a huge storm; for no one can hide from God.  God sent huge gust of wind flying over the sea and great waves of freezing water tossing over the tiny ship.  “All men on deck, we’re taking on water!”  “Captain we’re sinking!  We need to throw the cargo overboard” all the sailors went inside the ship and saw Jonah fast asleep.  “Look” they cried” he’s sleeping!  We need all hands on deck, wake him”  
Outside it was as dark as night.  The sailors began to throw the cargo overboard.  “NO!” Jonah cried, “Save the ship. Stop! Stop! You must throw me in instead.”  The sailors gasped“What are you saying?   We cannot throw and innocent mad overboard!”  “Listen!” Jonah cried, “God had sent this storm to punish ME!”  The captain screamed over the thunder, “punish? Why?” “I tried to run away from god and disobey him and now he has found me!” Jonah said.  “If we throw him over now, he’ll surely die said the frightened crew. “But the win and the wave are too much for us.  We have no choice.” Replied the captain. The sailors grabbed Jonah and threw him overboard.  The sea became calm.  Down, down, down, into the sea sank Jonah.   
But god was not yet finished with Jonah.  He send a giant fish to swallow Jonah whole.   Jonah found himself in the belly of this giant fish!  “OhIt’s so dark in here, and slimy and AHHH, a slimy green thing on my head!  What will become of me? I wonder, if I pray and ask god to forgive me for disobeying him, if God will still hear me? 
Jonah turned to the Lord. “Lord thank you for saving me”.  Inside the fish Jonah prayed for three days. “I’m sorry Lord for disobeying you.  Please let me out of this terrible prison.”  God herd Jonah and knew he was sorry.   He made the fish spit Jonah out onto t=dry land.  “Thank you lord for saving me” he prayed. 

But god hadn’t forgotten about what he had asked Jonah to do.  “Jonah, remember what I asked you to do?  Go to Nineveh and tell those evil people about me.”  “Yes Lord.  I will obey you” Jonah went to Neveah and told the evil people of god.  The people repented of their sins and turned to God.  God spared the people of Nineveh and Jonah had finally learned his lesson.  The end.   

When God first asked Jonah to go to Nineveh, did he obey right away? 

What are some things we can do to obey God? 

When we disobey our parents, who are we really disobeying? 

How long was Jonah in the belly of the whale for? 
3 days 

Did God love the evil people of Nineveh? 

How did Jonah try to escape from god? 
By hiding in the ship 

What did God send to save Jonah after he was thrown overboard? 
A big fish 

What was Jonah doing when the captain found him? 

Did the people of Nineveh turn from the evil things they were doing? 

What was the city that god asked Jonah to go to? 

How did Jonah get out of the fish? 
It spit him out 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Best ever board game (for sunday school kids)

SO,   Two weeks ago I had to leave class early to help my youth group with some ministry opportunities.  When I left, all the kids were playing a giant board game.  they all grew very upset that they couldn't finish, and being the crazy person I am, told them that we would do it again in two weeks.  The problem was that my class has been rapidly growing.  The board game is great for a class of 3 or 4 kids, but 10 or 12 kids?  yeah...  so this is what I put together.

Theme: Overall

Large piece of foam board
Oil crayons or markers
Cardstock paper

Ahead of time
Cut two small pieces of foam board about 2X2 inches.
Make a curved path on the foam board for the game route.  Use the crayons to draw bible scenes or just simple scenery.  Draws lines on the path to make about 20 squares.  Place a small strip of velcro on each square and two small pieces of the back of the squares you cut out earlier.

Print out your questions on the cardstock and cut them out like playing cards.  Its best if you have each card move them 1,2, or 3.

When the kids arrive
Divide the kids up into 2 teams.  Ask them a question from the top card, and have them agree one one of your three answers.

And thats it.  Kids get sooo excited about this,  its crazy!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pretty cake, nasty cake

This lesson was actually used as a object lesson-illustration-horrifying piece!  It takes awhile to do, but overall, the work is sooo worth the effort.  Plus,  it's fun for me!

It's what's on the inside that counts


  • 2 cakes that taste or look gross
  • pretty colored icing
  • spinach, greens, or some other not-so-appetizing food
  • a nice cake tray
  • tools to decorate the cake with
Ahead of time
Bake the cake and let it cool completely while you make the icing.  I had a little leftover icing from a group of cupcakes, so I just used that.  

Smooth a thin layer of icing on the tops of one of the cakes.  Using a very thick consistency of icing, build an icing dam around the edge of the cake.  Open the can of greens and drain them until you can't get any more juice out.  Put the greens in the center of the cake with the icing dam.   (Never mind that banana peel)

Place the second cake on top. Be sure that the layers are aligned and fit snugly together. 
Ice the cake with a thin layer of icing on the outside to seal in any juices or crumbs that might give away the cake's real heart!

Ice the cake in whatever decoration you had planned.  I used a ruffle technique, and yes, there are tutorials all over the internet for these!

Once you have your cake finished, put it in the fridge until you are ready to take it to church.  

The lesson
Show the kids the cake.  Ask them if they think it looks good and what flavor they think it might be.  Tell them you are going to cut it open and see what amazing flavors it beholds.  When you slice into the cake to see what amazing flavor it is, the kids will see how gross it looks and ask if those are really greens!

Ask those kids if they would like to eat the cake now...hopefully they say no.  Ask why they changed their minds so quickly.  

Explain that we can look good on the outside, and everyone thinks we are so cute or pretty or handsome, but on the inside, if we don't have Jesus in our hearts, we are just as nasty as the cake.  

Explain that I can't take all that nasty stuff out of the cake now, it's ruined, but if Jesus comes into our hearts, no matter how bad we are or how nasty our heart looks, he can still save us and make us new again.  

Ps.  Here is a picture of the cake once I cut it!  Gross :)
PPs.  if the kids say that they want to eat the cake, tell them a few ingredients and,if your cake has a lot of salt like mine did, inform them that they might even throw up if they tried to eat it.