Sunday, April 6, 2014

God loves you S'more than you know (And the story of Zaccheus is stuck in here too)

To say that this lesson was one of the easier ones I’ve done, would only be half true. The lesson, great!  Getting it ready, not so great. 
I stayed up late watching funny videos of people playing with plungers in Walmart Saturday night (which I don’t recommend for awesome Sunday school teachers) and decided to get up early Sunday to get my lesson ready.  Big mistake.  I set my alarm wrong and got up at 8:00, which is really bad for me…

Anyways, I had an hour and a half to get ready, make a Sunday school lesson from scratch, and remain awesome. Thankfully, my Pinterest browsing skills came in handy. I knew I wanted to do a lesson on Zaccheus, but I couldn’t find a way to attach that to a fun craft…that is until I found some cute s’mores printable on Pinterest.  I googled different words and found these on God’s love. click here and scroll to pg 6

I printed them out in black and white so the kids could color on them and left the back of it blank so they could make a picture of Jesus showing love to Zaccheus.
Once I had the craft figured out, I found this cute video on YouTube to show the kids.  They loved it!!! 

When I got to church more things went wrong, but I won’t go over that now J .

One I read the short story, I let the kids watch the movie. They gathered around on the floor and we turned off the lights. The mini movie gave me just enough time to go place baggies of s’mores on each seat and put crayons and markers net to them.  When the light got turned back on the kids had the net thing ready to go!!!  The kids loved the s’mores baggies and the movie and had a great time. I think that even some of the adults were jealous! I snapped this pic of a few of the baggies before they left, wish I ould have captured the pictures on the back!  They were so cute!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

A Lesson on Giving (even if it's not your stuff)

I noticed that I hadn’t done anything “super cool” for my Sunday school class that would also be for the other people in the church.  I got this idea a few weeks ago when sitting in church listening to a sermon.  I wanted to try it out that Sunday but, being a non-licensed driver, it’s hard to get all the stuff you need.
So the lesson?

I wanted the kids to be able to give away treat bags to influential people in the church, bus driver, children’s church teacher, etc.  I went to Walmart and found these cute little treat bags for less than $3. 

I then found some memo pads for about .30 cense each and mechanical pencils for around $2.
I got a big pack of gum, candy, and a few other yummy things. I really wish that I would have got a pack of rice Krispy treats. I planned on having the kids color or write a card but we an make those.
Overall, it cost around $25 for everything. I usually don’t spend $25 on one lesson, but this one was something extra that I think pays off.  Plus, I get super cool points from the big kids as well as the small kids! 

I paired it with the lesson of the widow in the temple that gave all she had. If you run out of things to do, You can always have them color this picture that matches the story in the beginners bible that I gave all the kids. I wouln't go on about I much I love those right now...

In the end I had to leave town and never got to teach.  But Brianna said the kids loved it and had a great time.  I will defiantly do this again in a few years. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Game day

Theme: Overall
·         Cards with various characters or things from the bible that go together such as an Adam card and an Eve card
·         Giant piece of cardboard
·         Very Soft ball
·         Premade Giant board game
·         Bible Questions

Before the kids arrive
·         Print out bible questions
·         Place one of each card set on each side of the cardboard

When the kids arrive
·         Memory Match: Divide the kids into two teams.  Each team takes a go at trying to match two cards.  If they get it correct they win the card.  Whoever has the most cards wins.
·         Musical Chairs: Place the chairs in a circle.  When the music stops whoever is up must answer a bible question or be out
·         Hot potato: sit in a circle on the floor.  Throw the ball to a child.  The child must say a bible name or town in 5 seconds or they are out.

·         Bible board game: divide the kids into two teams.  Ask a bible question for 1, 2, or 3 jumps on your board game.  

Noah's Ark

Noah’s Ark

Lesson theme: Noah’s Ark
·         Paper plates
·         Construction hats
·         Crayons
·         Cutout pages of animals for the kids to color
·         Decorations for the ark
·         Questions about the story
·         A short video about Noah’s ark
·         Scissors
·         Popsicle sticks
Before the kids arrive:
·         Print out animal coloring page
·         Fold paper plates in half and staple them
·         Get questions for the kids

When the kids arrive
·         Show them the video
·         Let them cut out the animals, color them, and glue them onto popsicle sticks
·         Alow them to design the paper plate arks then put the animals in. 

·         Play musical chairs.  When the music stops answer a question about noah or you are out

Lazarus lives again

Lesson theme: Lazarus is risen

Supplies: 2 or more rolls of toilet paper, a timer, paper plates, random craft supplies

Ahead of time:

Cut a wide crescent shape in the mid/top of one paper plate to make an eye hole for a mummy mask.  Glue the paper plate then wrap with toilet paper to make a mummy look.  Add crafting decorations as desired

When they arrive:

Tell them the story of Lazarus.  When finished play the game. 


Divide the kids into two teams.  Each team has exactly 3 minutes to wrap one of the kids up into a mummy shape.  Have someone come in to judge the better mummy.  That team wins.
After the game, allow each child to design a mummy mask like the one you premade. 

If time allows ask questions about the story.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A lesson on thankfulness {and a fun game}

Lesson theme:



Bean bag or ball,

Ahead of time:

Set up the computer with the video to watch. 

When they arrive:

Ask the kids all to be quiet while you watch a movie.  After the movie is done ask the kids questions.


Q. Don’t you think Jesus would have like to have all of the lepers come back to tell him thank you?
A. yes

Q. how many lepers did Jesus heal?
A. 10

Q. how many lepers told Jesus thank you?
A. only 1

Q. how can we tell Jesus thank you for dyeing for us so that we can go to heaven?
A. Praying, obeying our mom and dad, listening to him, etc.

Q. what are some things we can be thankful for?
A. Everything, Our moms, dads, homes, etc.

Did you know that the bible tells us to be thankful about EVERYTHING!  I had something just the other day that I was not happy about, I had a really bad headache, but I knew that God had given me that for a reason.  Although it was hard to understand why, I said” thank you God for this headache, I now you gave it to me for a reason”

Now that may seem rather extreme but it ended out, later on, I found out that headache actually made something really good happen that made me feel really good later on.  Although I didn’t understand it then, God did.  We can be thankful about everything that happens. 

Game time:

Okay, this game is one that everyone can play.  Have the kids sit in a circle on the floor.  Use a very soft ball or bean bag.  Throw the ball to anyone in the circle.  The child must say something that they are thankful for.  If they can’t think of anything, they are out.  They cannot say the same thing twice. 

Color a picture

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The story of Jonah and a lesson on obedience

Lesson theme:  obedience 
Story of Jonah, several coins, candy 

Ahead of time:  tape pieces of candy or prizes under the seats of the kids.  Collect several coins 

When they arrive  
Read the story of Jonah and ask questions.  Divide the kids in groups.  Give the team that can get the most answers wrong 10 cense. Give 25 cense to the team that gets the most right.   

Ask them to do a bunch of really dumb looking things. 
Shake the persons to the left hand 
Jump in a circle three times 
Sit down Walk around the table once, and sit down again 
Go stand up, move over one seat, and sit down in the seat next to you 
Hold one hand up in the air and say yoga 
Sit stand up and say boogie 
Stand on one leg and say goo 
Sit down again and say gash 
Look under your chair.   

Wait for the kids to find the prizes under the chairs.  Say this;  
That was some pretty crazy things I asked you to do right?  If you would have said oh this is just dumb, I’m going to leave class and never come back because all she does is a bunch of boring games, and then you wouldn’t have got that nice little prize.   
Some people in the bible were told by Jesus to do very odd things but they did them anyways.   
Tell the story of Jonah while the kid color a picture.  Give a second prize to the best picture.  This helps make the kids color for a longer amount of time. 
 The story of Jonah 

Long, long ago there was a man named Jonah.  He lived a good life and always obeyed god’s laws.  He thought of himself as a true man of God.  He was a hard worker.  Through his labrs he had been able to purchase a few chickens, a donkey, and a goat.   
One day God spoke to Jonah. “Jonah, Jonah”  “what? Oh who was that?”  “Jonah, I am the lord God:  there is a city called nenevah far away.  It is filled with people who tell wicked lies.  They have forgotten about kindness and helping others.”  “ why are you telling me about them god?” Jonah asked.  “Because I want you to go there and tell those wicked people I am going to destroy them and their city because of their wicked ways.” God responded.  Um uh, yes Lord.  I’ll go but they wouldn’t listen, they are evil!” 
The more Jonah thought about it the more uneasy he became.  That night Jonah couldn’t sleep well.  He thought, “No! They’ll hurt me! Nineveh is so far, they’ll laugh at me! No!”    Jonah was denying God’s plan for him and disobeying him.  “Those people don’t even care about God.  Why would they believe me?  They might event try to (gulp) kill me!  AHHH” 
The more Jonah thought about those people the more frighten he became. He decide to run away from God.  That very night he packed his clothes and headed to the sea port.   
The next morning he found a ship headed FAR, FAR away.  “Who goes there?” the captain said.  “Um Jonah sir. Uh please captain let me go with you!  I’ll give you all my money for a place on your ship!”  “Looks like trouble to me.  I wonder what he is running away from” whispered the captain, “well, I guess we can gin a place for him.” 
Jonah boarded the ship and hid deep in the hold as far away from god as he could.  At last he saw the anchor being pulled up and the ship headed out to sea.  “At last, we’re heading out to open sea.  I have disobeyed God but he will never find me now.  Ash... now, I’ll have a new life for myself” he said. 
As soon as the ship was far away from land, God sent a huge storm; for no one can hide from God.  God sent huge gust of wind flying over the sea and great waves of freezing water tossing over the tiny ship.  “All men on deck, we’re taking on water!”  “Captain we’re sinking!  We need to throw the cargo overboard” all the sailors went inside the ship and saw Jonah fast asleep.  “Look” they cried” he’s sleeping!  We need all hands on deck, wake him”  
Outside it was as dark as night.  The sailors began to throw the cargo overboard.  “NO!” Jonah cried, “Save the ship. Stop! Stop! You must throw me in instead.”  The sailors gasped“What are you saying?   We cannot throw and innocent mad overboard!”  “Listen!” Jonah cried, “God had sent this storm to punish ME!”  The captain screamed over the thunder, “punish? Why?” “I tried to run away from god and disobey him and now he has found me!” Jonah said.  “If we throw him over now, he’ll surely die said the frightened crew. “But the win and the wave are too much for us.  We have no choice.” Replied the captain. The sailors grabbed Jonah and threw him overboard.  The sea became calm.  Down, down, down, into the sea sank Jonah.   
But god was not yet finished with Jonah.  He send a giant fish to swallow Jonah whole.   Jonah found himself in the belly of this giant fish!  “OhIt’s so dark in here, and slimy and AHHH, a slimy green thing on my head!  What will become of me? I wonder, if I pray and ask god to forgive me for disobeying him, if God will still hear me? 
Jonah turned to the Lord. “Lord thank you for saving me”.  Inside the fish Jonah prayed for three days. “I’m sorry Lord for disobeying you.  Please let me out of this terrible prison.”  God herd Jonah and knew he was sorry.   He made the fish spit Jonah out onto t=dry land.  “Thank you lord for saving me” he prayed. 

But god hadn’t forgotten about what he had asked Jonah to do.  “Jonah, remember what I asked you to do?  Go to Nineveh and tell those evil people about me.”  “Yes Lord.  I will obey you” Jonah went to Neveah and told the evil people of god.  The people repented of their sins and turned to God.  God spared the people of Nineveh and Jonah had finally learned his lesson.  The end.   

When God first asked Jonah to go to Nineveh, did he obey right away? 

What are some things we can do to obey God? 

When we disobey our parents, who are we really disobeying? 

How long was Jonah in the belly of the whale for? 
3 days 

Did God love the evil people of Nineveh? 

How did Jonah try to escape from god? 
By hiding in the ship 

What did God send to save Jonah after he was thrown overboard? 
A big fish 

What was Jonah doing when the captain found him? 

Did the people of Nineveh turn from the evil things they were doing? 

What was the city that god asked Jonah to go to? 

How did Jonah get out of the fish? 
It spit him out