Saturday, July 6, 2013

A lesson on thankfulness {and a fun game}

Lesson theme:



Bean bag or ball,

Ahead of time:

Set up the computer with the video to watch. 

When they arrive:

Ask the kids all to be quiet while you watch a movie.  After the movie is done ask the kids questions.


Q. Don’t you think Jesus would have like to have all of the lepers come back to tell him thank you?
A. yes

Q. how many lepers did Jesus heal?
A. 10

Q. how many lepers told Jesus thank you?
A. only 1

Q. how can we tell Jesus thank you for dyeing for us so that we can go to heaven?
A. Praying, obeying our mom and dad, listening to him, etc.

Q. what are some things we can be thankful for?
A. Everything, Our moms, dads, homes, etc.

Did you know that the bible tells us to be thankful about EVERYTHING!  I had something just the other day that I was not happy about, I had a really bad headache, but I knew that God had given me that for a reason.  Although it was hard to understand why, I said” thank you God for this headache, I now you gave it to me for a reason”

Now that may seem rather extreme but it ended out, later on, I found out that headache actually made something really good happen that made me feel really good later on.  Although I didn’t understand it then, God did.  We can be thankful about everything that happens. 

Game time:

Okay, this game is one that everyone can play.  Have the kids sit in a circle on the floor.  Use a very soft ball or bean bag.  Throw the ball to anyone in the circle.  The child must say something that they are thankful for.  If they can’t think of anything, they are out.  They cannot say the same thing twice. 

Color a picture

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