Monday, July 22, 2013

Game day

Theme: Overall
·         Cards with various characters or things from the bible that go together such as an Adam card and an Eve card
·         Giant piece of cardboard
·         Very Soft ball
·         Premade Giant board game
·         Bible Questions

Before the kids arrive
·         Print out bible questions
·         Place one of each card set on each side of the cardboard

When the kids arrive
·         Memory Match: Divide the kids into two teams.  Each team takes a go at trying to match two cards.  If they get it correct they win the card.  Whoever has the most cards wins.
·         Musical Chairs: Place the chairs in a circle.  When the music stops whoever is up must answer a bible question or be out
·         Hot potato: sit in a circle on the floor.  Throw the ball to a child.  The child must say a bible name or town in 5 seconds or they are out.

·         Bible board game: divide the kids into two teams.  Ask a bible question for 1, 2, or 3 jumps on your board game.  

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