Theme: Overall
Cards with various
characters or things from the bible that go together such as an Adam card and
an Eve card
Giant piece of cardboard
Very Soft ball
Premade Giant board game
Bible Questions
Before the kids
Print out bible questions
Place one of each card set
on each side of the cardboard
When the kids arrive
Memory Match: Divide the kids into two teams. Each team takes a go at trying to match two
cards. If they get it correct they win
the card. Whoever has the most cards
Musical Chairs: Place the chairs in a circle. When the music stops whoever is up must
answer a bible question or be out
Hot potato: sit in a circle on the floor. Throw the ball to a child. The child must say a bible name or town in 5
seconds or they are out.
Bible board game: divide the kids into two teams. Ask a bible question for 1, 2, or 3 jumps on
your board game.